Holdframe Logo Animation


This logo animation was for our Branding for Motion class. We were tasked with creating 6 logo animations in 2 weeks. We were allowed to pick which brands we wanted to do. This particular logo animation is for Holdframe, a service that provides professional motion design project files.

I decided to choose this brand because I love the service. Opening a Holdframe project file is like unlocking the Chamber of Secrets. It helps upcoming artists get a behind-the-scenes look at what the pros are doing to achieve certain effects and animations. It’s the closest thing to actually working beside these talented artists.

The Concept

The idea was to bring to life what Holdframe offers: their look into the motion design project files. I specifically wanted to focus on the graph editor within After Effects. This logo animation starts in the abstract, but then reveals itself to be a speed curve. The speed curve thrusts up a thick circle, and the entire plane acts as a trampoline to spring the circle into the air. I cut on motion, revealing the rest of the “Holdframe” letters. The circle then bounces off of the “f” and lands in the right spot, revealing itself to be the “o’.

I wanted to make sure that my motion was extremely clean and satisfying to watch. Great motion design, to me, must feel satisfying. I wanted to use the principles of animation, specifically: squash and stretch, anticipation, follow-through, easing, and exaggeration.


Below is my storyboard for this project. I knew I wanted to work with abstract shapes, so this part was integral to making sure the logo animation flowed.
